Sunday, September 5, 2010

Terrine: The "Z Case"

I'm a person who likes to give advice.
My first one would be... Always be over him.
No matter what happens you should always seem like you don't care... 'cause once you start to care... he stops.  AND you do want him to care!!!

For example, I recently was with this dude whose name starts with a Z, let's call him the "Z Case"!  At first, when we started to see each other, I didn't care.  When we were out together, I used to dance with other men, which really pissed him off... in fact he looked jealous.  And then, when he told me he considered me as his girlfriend, I answered maybe.
But then, it started to get serious... and the trouble began.  I told him I loved him... such a big mistake!  He was no more returning my calls, he started to be a late-replyer at text-messages and he even cancelled one of our dates.  That was so much more than I could take!  
So then, I did just the same.  I told him I was too busy to see him, I stopped answering to his text-messages and I even said I didn't care about the fact I had no more time to see him.  Now, my cell can't stop ringing because of him.

So believe me ladies when I say you should always seem like you don't care.
First, start by taking the word emotion off of your vocabulary... you need no emotion! :P