Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Fabulous Andy: Gifts, Ahoy!

I hope you all had a very nice Christmas. In our case, we're back to business!

Our consumerism era makes us filled with gifts at this time of the year, doesn't it? As much as some people would restrain themselves from shopping too much and getting a big fat credit card bill, there always is this pressure to give more and more, even if it's all materialistic things for the most part.

There also is a certain pressure to "match" what the other person gave you, or to give something of an equal value. It's happened before in my case, and believe me, seeing a disappointed face is not cool.

You get the gift from the other, blush when you open it, 'cause you're thinking: "&*%(&?%(*#, my gift is gonna suck balls." Then, the other opens your gift and says a nice "Thanks..." while thinking of what-a-cheap-fucking-bastard-you-are. It only lasts a moment, but it some resentment can come out of this.

In any case, communication is the key, but most of all: go to retail stores. You'll get good-looking gifts and brand names for less, and you'll all get them all sayin': Damnnnn, homie, where dya get that?


Speaking of gifts, Rodzilla and Terrine got me a nice little - ahem, big - bra and a matching pantie. The bra is real pretty, but it's HUGE. It isn't only padded once, it's padded twice! Like, an inch and a half of padding, no kidding!

I honestly look like I have boobs when I wear it...