Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rodzilla: Beyoncé Gives Me Fever

Geez! I'm not really surprised to hear that this video was banned to air before 19h30 in the UK!! I mean it's really great and sells the product perfectly and definitely does it for me but I have to agree; it shouldn't be watched by younger viewers! I mean c'mon Beyowolf! This is like Soft-Porn lolz! But y'all have to agree it's really hot and steamy! Loves it and loves Beyoncé!!!

Fabulous Andy: November Blues

Ugh. It's so cold outside, I just feel like staying home and cozying up in front of the fireplace.

There is one problem, however: I have no fireplace! HA!

Seriously, people in general get a bit depressed during the autumnal transition. We don't see the sun as often, it's cold outside, leaves are rotting and they smell like shit. How can one possibly live without some everyday stimulation? I suspect people might be masturbating more often not for the fun of it, but because they're so depressed and found nothing else to make them happier. That is, unless you get an orgasmic reaction when Christmas shopping in advance, like my mum.

Autumn is also a period where I find myself wanting to cozy up and mate more than usual. Slightly depressed? Maybe.

I was born in the summer, will die during the summer. I live for warmth, so when I don't have it, I feel quite unbalanced. I've worked myself up and found a stable sex solution to compensate for my November blues. This might or might not be a temporary solution, as Christmas usually gets my spirits high. Watch out, Santa... Ho, ho, hoe!