Monday, October 25, 2010

Fabulous Andy: Wake-Up Call

Women constantly need support and reinforcement from other in order to feel good. We females doubt about everything, thus the famous sentence, "Do you really love me?" that makes men mad. Why is that anyways? Men get mad because once they have established that they love their second half, they do not feel the need to talk about it anymore. The recurring questions about the validity of their feelings irritates them, as they feel that their partner doesn't trust them.

Even though this is the norm, I feel like taking the men's side in this situation. Honestly, insecurity is what makes women so prone to depression or abuse. Cherry recently told me about her friend's situation: this chick is so "in love" with her dictator-like man that she will do everything he wants her to, such as walking behind him so that he can take the lead or going to the gym because he says she's fat. Not to mention that he appears to have some ejaculation problems, so he'll basically just use her as a cum container.


Wake up, ladies! You deserve to be loved and you should know that. As much as we claim to be "independant", some girls still cannot be respected because they constantly doubt about their beauty, intellect or natural talents in bed. This doubt is used by manipulators and abusers in order to make them feel good about their small penises or about some well-hidden issues that occured in their past. Please do not help them become women-haters, such as Cherry's friend's situation. So when a man tells you he loves you, believe it, but don't lose yourself into pleasing him just because you think you are not worth it.